Use of polypropylene mesh in orthopedic surgery – literature review and report of three cases
Polypropylene mesh, Surgery, Quadriceps tendon, Shoulder, Muscle herniaAbstract
In this article we describe three applications of polypropylene mesh in orthopedic surgery, where the synthetic material was used in challenging scenarios: (1) quadriceps tendon, (2) shoulder and (3) muscle hernia repair. All cases were followed-up for at least two years and there were no complications related to the procedure. Polypropylene mesh is a safe synthetic material widely used in general surgery, however, its use in orthopedic procedures is uncommon. We reported three different applications for polypropylene mesh in complex orthopedic cases. Further studies are necessary to understand the biomechanical behavior of such materials under the tensile load of each tendon; functional results and long term complications associated to this material.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Giovanna Ignácio Subirá Medina, Carlos Luiz Neves Mendes, Breno Schor, Alexandre Carneiro Bitar
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